• Preparation of documents regarding the employment of employees;
  • Modification of the conditions of the employment contract, termination of the employment contract;
  • Transmission of these documents in REVISAL;
  • Taking over the primary data from the interfaces provided to the client;
  • Data verification and processing;
  • Carrying out the calculation of liquidation and taxes to the state budget;
  • Preparation of payment statements and editing of related reports;
  • Performing the calculation for granting meal vouchers;
  • Preparation of vouchers for the distribution of meal vouchers;
  • Generating accounting notes in the format specific to the accounting application;
  • Generating files in the format required by the bank for the payment of salaries on the card;
  • preparation and submission of declarations required by the state in the form established by law;
  • Preparation of payment orders for the payment of salary taxes;
  • Possibility to make payments of salaries and taxes, upload in the online banking system;
  • Preparation of 112 declarations;
  • Preparation and submission of annual income statements;
  • Operational personnel management services;
  • Employment contracts;
  • Additional documents;
  • Decisions to cease activity;
  • Issuing certificates for employees;
  • Management of the General Register of Employees in electronic format and its reporting to the Territorial Labor Inspectorate (ITM);
  • Ensuring the relationship with the Territorial Labor Inspectorate (ITM), the Health House (CAS), Pension House


Vă sprijinim în procesul financiar – contabil și de consultanță în achiziționarea sau închirierea proprietăților sau terenurilor agricole în România.
Cere oferta 
Primește oferta